Greek inspired energy balls

My daughter Evangeline is good on the tooth.  Luckily she loves her fresh veggies and inhales fruit!  Unfortunately she has inherited her sisters sweet tooth.  Loves her icy poles, ice-cream, cakes and muesli bars.
To make it a bit healthy for her I blitz seasonal fruit and make my own icy poles, I make her frozen banana tahini and honey ice-cream, (she will eat tahini and honey by the bowl full if she could!), I let her indulge in a cake pop or two when I get a cake pop order and make these energy balls instead of buying muesli bars.  I was watching a greek cooking show on tv and they made these into bars.  They also used quinoa flakes and other ingredients I had no idea about.  So I used what was in my cupboard. It was too hard to make into toddler sized bars as they crumbled a lot so I squeezed the mixture tightly  and rolled into balls.  She loves them and so do I!  Breakfast on the go…and they keep for forever!!

The beauty of these energy balls is you don't have to follow the recipe.  If you make them for school and all nuts are banned just add more seeds and muesli.  If you don't have dates just add sultanas. If you don't have chia seeds just add something else.  Anyway you get the point!

Greek inspired energy balls

2 ½ cups processed oats
½ cup chia seeds
½ - 1 cup sunflower seeds
½ - 1 cup pumpkin seeds
100gm dates pre soaked and processed until it turns into a paste
100gm sultanas presoaked and processed
10 presoaked dried apricots processed
½ cup dried cranberries chopped
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped almonds
3 tbs tahini
3 tbs petimezi (grape must syrup) or honey
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
For rolling
1 ½ cup sesame seeds

1.     Process all required ingredients and leave separate
2.     Add all the dry ingredients except for the sesame seeds to a large bowl
3.     Add cinammon and mix well
4.     Add the processed fruit which will act as a binder
5.     Mix tahini and petimezi together and add to the bowl
6.     Mix well roll into balls.  If the mixture is too dry dd more petimezi or honey.  If it is too wet add more nuts/seeds or oats.
7.     Roll in sesame seeds and bake for about 15 minutes in a 180°.
8.     Allow to cool completely and enjoy. 

Note: If you are tempted to taste before they are cool just remember they will crumble and break

Carol xxxx


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